4 Common Indicators of Home Generator Repair

Many homeowners don’t know when the time is right for home generator repair in Mount Vernon, and will simply allow their generator to go to waste. That’s unfortunate, because a generator can come in handy during a particularly rough storm in terms of supplying power to any of your home’s appliances. You’ll able to tackle some work-related tasks on your computer, binge watch your favorite television show, and store leftovers from last night’s dinner all while a storm blows over. However, you may have to get used to living by candlelight if you don’t seek generator repair soon enough!

Beacon Home Services is here to supply you with home generator repair in Mount Vernon that will keep the power running year-round. In addition, we’re here to make sure you know when to give us a call by informing you of the signs telling you it’s time generator repair may be needed soon!

When Should You Call Beacon?

Think you need generator repair? Call Beacon for assistance when you notice these 4 signs:

  • Extensive Physical Damage: Any cracks, dents, or scratches are means for concern. While a little wear and tear is inevitable, it can be means for concern when physical damage begins to hinder the overall performance of the generator. Damage can be so severe that you may need to replace your generator entirely.
  • Damaged Electrical Components: If you notice any wires, buttons, or any other electrical components are showing signs of wear and tear, it’s a sign you need repair soon. Leaving electrical components unattended can be a safety hazard, and you certainly wouldn’t want to put the well-being of your family at risk.
  • Frequent Power Outages: Are you relying on candles and flashlights more often due to frequent power outages, despite having a generator? Then you’ll need to call for generator repair to get to the bottom of the situation. The team at Beacon can repair your generator so the power stays on 24/7.
  • Slow Startup, or No Startup: Your generator should start working within the first few moments of turning it on. However, it is alarming if it’s taking any slower than 5 to 10 minutes to start up. Of course, the biggest concern is if it’s not starting up at all. A generator’s battery will drain even when it’s not in use.

Contact Beacon Home Services today if you’re noticing these 4 indicators and receive our home generator repair in Mount Vernon, VA!