Why Do I Have Low Water Pressure

Having low water pressure in your house can be quite annoying for sure. There could be one or many issues that could be contributing to the low water pressure in your home. The most common causes of low water pressure in a home are the following:

  1. Plumbing Leaks – leaks in your plumbing can affect water pressure levels and can make a huge mess inside your home. It is important to regularly check for leaks and to get any water leaks repaired instantly so you can prevent water damage to your home.
  2. Constricted Water Flow – The problem could also be that your showerhead is constricting the water flow. Often, enlarging the hole with a drill will increase flow, thereby boosting water pressure. If that doesn’t help, check for a filter or screen inside of your shower head that may be impeding the flow. Cleaning or descaling that could allow water to flow more freely there.
  3. Build up in Pipes – Debris, metals, and corrosion can build up in the pipelines and especially inside shower heads and taps. These deposits can make it hard for water to get through the pipes and therefore result in low water pressure. A completely new water pipe installation might be needed to resolve this problem, especially since your home’s water lines are likely to be quite old if they are clogged.
  4. Damaged Pipes – Decreased water pressure will be a result of any damage done to the pipes in your home. However, if the water pressure is just in one location (like a specific showerhead or faucet), then the problem might be a leak. A plumbing expert can detect leaks and see if there are other issues that are affecting your water pressure as well.
  5. Water Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV): If you’re dealing with water pressure concerns while your neighbors aren’t, it’s possible that a previous owner of your house installed a device called a Water Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) on the plumbing. This device is designed to limit the intensity of water flowing in from the main supply line. To potentially improve the water flow in your home, you might want to consider enlisting the expertise of a certified plumber who can help you fine-tune the settings on this regulator.
  6. Water Heater: If the cold water pressure in your home works well but the hot water pressure is low, then the issue could be with your water heater. Check the valves on the water heater to see if they are open entirely and see if that improves your hot water flow. If not, the issue may be more intensive such as the water lines leading into the water heater may have leaks or blockages or the water heater itself might be going.
  7. Too much consumption: If too many people or appliances inside the household are tapping into water sources at the same time then that might be the cause of the problem. Check to see if the washing machine, dishwasher or irrigation is running before you take a shower and see if anyone else in the house is also taking a shower or bath so you can enjoy stronger water pressure.
  8. City Water System: Low water pressure can be a result of a problem in your city or town’s water system. If there are too many households connected to the same water outlet or if some of the water lines are sealed for maintenance then you can experience temporary water pressure issues.
  9. Location or Elevation of Home: The height of your property can affect your water pressure level. Houses on top of a hill generally experience water pressure problems because the local water supply is either at the same level or lower than the home. The only solution here is to get a water pressure pump so you can compensate for the height difference.

If you have low water pressure at your house and want to figure out the culprit and what it would take to fix the issue, give Beacon Home Services a call. They will have one of their professional plumbing experts come take a look and give you options.

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